
“Cares” Initiative

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Fountain Valley Restaurant Association “Cares” Initiative

The Fountain Valley Restaurant Association (FVRA) congratulates the graduating high school Class of 2020! The FVRA understands the magnitude COVID-19 has had on the Class of 2020. Local restaurants in Fountain Valley, and restaurants around the nation, have been in shock by the stay-at-home order and slow phasing for the reopening of dine-in restaurants. Local restaurants are trying to support each other and doing their best to stay afloat with financial pressure to make monthly rent, payroll, electrical and gas bill and other operating expenses. Many restaurants have made the difficult decision to lay off employees or change work environments to keep both employees and customers safe from COVID-19. Every restaurant is working hard and trying to find creative ways to survive.

Fountain Valley has always been a unique community, even more so during this pandemic. This community, in good and challenging times, unites and finds opportunities to show they care. The FVRA “Cares” for the graduating high school Class of 2020 and has initiated the first of few opportunities for them. A GoFundMe was created on May 19, 2020, to show the graduating Class of 2020 in Fountain Valley that EVERYONE is thinking of them. This opportunity to raise funds will be a small gift to show them we are all in this together. The funds raised will allow the FVRA to purchase gift certificates from local restaurants. The gift certificates will then be given to the graduating Class of 2020 at Fountain Valley High School (850 seniors), Los Amigos High School (417 seniors) and Valley Vista High School (180 seniors). This is a win-win for all. As the saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

Even though this is a challenging time, the FVRA is committed to supporting the graduating high school Class of 2020. Please donate at GoFundMe to show some love for the Class of 2020 and local restaurants. For information and inquiries, there will be a Media Press Conference on May 27, 2020, at 10 a.m. at the Fountain Valley Town Center, near Brodard Restaurant (16105 Brookhurst) by the water fountain. Orange County Supervisors, Fountain Valley City Council, Fountain Valley City Manager, Fountain Valley Police Chief, Fountain Valley Fire Chief, Fountain Valley High School, Los Amigos High School, and FVRA members will be present to support the Fountain Valley Restaurant Association “Cares” Initiative.

For information, please call the Fountain Valley Restaurant Association at (949) 683-4741 or visit[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Donate” _builder_version=”3.19.9″ custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”16px” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_bg_color=”#f28304″ button_border_width=”10px” button_border_color=”rgba(210,159,104,0)” button_border_radius=”100px” button_font=”Lato|900|||||||” button_use_icon=”off” button_bg_color_hover=”#4159a0″ locked=”off” button_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”off” button_bg_color__hover_enabled=”on” button_bg_color__hover=”#4159a0″ button_one_bg_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_bg_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_alignment=”left”]

About Anthony

Business CoacH

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May 25, 2020


Teresa Razo
(949) 683-4741[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]